The people we support are entirely dependent upon the generosity and kindness of people just like you, who realize that together we can move mountains. We’re honored you’d be willing to stand up and be counted.

Let’s Get Started
Here are the basic steps to doing a fundraiser for us:
- Come up with an idea for a fundraiser. Popular ideas that have been successful include: gift fairs, concerts, parties, sports events, sponsored runs, bake sales, and art shows. Think outside the box. We love creative ideas!
- Set a realistic financial goal and keep your costs low.
- We would like to know about your event to try to help with guidelines and materials. You will need to fill out a proposal form, and once approved, we will approve your event and send you an official confirmation letter. Please contact us and we can discuss it with you. The sooner you do that–the sooner you can begin.
- Make a plan and execute it. Establish a schedule of what you need to do and when you need to do it. Poor planning often produces poor results. Start with the date the event will take place and work your way back to ensure you give yourself enough time to prepare all that is necessary to hold the event. Attention to detail is essential to the success of every event.
Boots on the Ground, Inc, (BOTG-NGO) is a non-profit organization. We will send you out a letter of acknowledgment for all contributions. Donors can use this letter for their tax records, but always seek advice from a qualified CPA or other tax professional. When receiving donations in cash, please provide a typed list of names and addresses of the individuals who have donated in cash, and the amount donated by each individual. You must be meticulous with your records. Also for the security of those donations, please convert them into a check before sending them in the mail to us. To ensure timely processing of your guests’ donations, please send in the contributions as soon as possible. We can then send them the acknowledgment letter for their donation soon after the event. Make sure all gifts are made out to BOOTS ON THE GROUND.
We are truly honored that you selected our organization as the beneficiary of your event! We hope your event will be a great success and if you have any pictures or video we would love for you to share them with us.
Note: If you would like to use our logo to advertise your event, please submit your material beforehand for approval. Approved fundraisers may use our logos and other material for the event that’s been approved.

Q: If I have questions, who should I contact?
A: Use our contact form or give us a call.
Q: What is BOTG’s corporate giving policy?
A: We operate under a strict policy of neutrality, and impartiality. But we don’t really care where the funds come from — so long as they are legally obtained and distributed. Like Mother Teresa, we believe money is washed clean, if you will, when it’s used to do God’s work. In saying that, money doesn’t buy our loyalty, protection, or otherwise; if you give, you should not expect anything in return as we will never compromise our ability to provide assistance for anyone or any organization. Period.
Q: Can I use the BOTG logo to advertise my event?
A: Yes, with approval and permission only.
Q: Can BOTG send a representative to my event?
A: Yes, under many circumstances. However, it is the host’s responsibility to pay for someone to attend the event. In such cases, unless it directly contributes to funds being raised, it makes more sense to save those funds and contribute them to BOTG instead so they’re not wasted.
Q: Can BOTG refund me for some of my expenses?
A: No.
Q: Can I organize a raffle or an auction for BOTG?
A: Regulations governing raffles and auctions differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and are often burdensome. Please check with your State Attorney General’s office or other authority for more details. In some instances, we an work directly with you to conduct a raffle ourselves. If you have a proposal, contact us.
Q: Can BOTG provide me with a list of local supporters?
A: No, we can’t. You should tap into your own list of friends, family, acquaintances. You know your local community better than we do, and have the connections there to make a difference.
Q: Can information about my event be posted on the BOTG Website.
A: Sure, we can do that for you — it would be our pleasure. So long as you have been approved, we’ll be happy to list your event and promote it on our website.
Q: Can you provide information and materials for our event?
A: Yes, after you fill out proposal form to register your event we will send you an Action Kit with materials to support your event. We also encourage you to use our website, which covers BOTG activities. We’d be happy to help you better understand the issues that define the challenges where we work, as well as, provide you news, stories, press releases, interviews, reports, photos and video.
Q: Can BOTG issue a receipt for purchases of admission tickets, drawing tickets, and auction items?
A: Yes. However, a donor may only claim a deduction for the amount of the payment that exceeds the value of the benefit the donor receives. We will provide a receipt for the donation at fair market value for merchandise, goods, or services received in return, once we are provided with documentation estimating fair market value. But we can only do so for monetary donations (and donations of securities). The value of an individual’s time or services donated to BOTG is not deductible under federal tax law, and therefore is not eligible for a tax receipt.

BOOTS ON THE GROUND (BOTG) relies on the support of people just like you in the United States and around the world to make our work possible. Here are some of the creative ideas of ways you could raise money for us.
- Professors and teacher motivate your students to do an assignment about fund raising and then put them into action
- Have your children or grandchildren collect pennies from the neighborhood and other school children
- Host a plate-less dinner, dinner, party, or potluck
- Fill-a-Boot Campaign. If you’re at a local fire department, have volunteers take to the streets with boots to be filled up with loose change. You could have firemen, women, and youth-squad members like Explorers and other volunteers ask drivers and passers-by for donations.
- Play a concert. If you’re a band or choir, why not set up a concert to raise funds for BOTG.
- Have a garage sale or block sale with your neighbors where the proceeds go to support our mission.
- Auction off things of value that have been sitting around and donate that to help us.
- Have a community bake sale with cookies, breads, cakes, and more.
- Have someone from BOTG at your fund raising event.