We always welcome medical volunteers. We specifically need physicians (ER docs, family practice, internal medicine and pediatrics), mid-level providers (Physician Assistants/ Nurse Practitioners), registered nurses, paramedics, radiologists and ultrasound technicians, and others.

Medical Support Program
We have several different medical programs currently in development for countries such as Haiti, Nepal, and Uganda. We operate out-patient clinics that provide primary and emergency care in underserved areas. The goal is to expand it’s practice to deliver and over-night stays. We are in the process of putting together Women’s Clinics, staffed completely by locals and BOTG volunteers. We also operate mobile clinics and DMATs (Disaster Medical Assistance Teams) for both inside and outside IDP camps and in remote communities.
Medical Volunteers
While BOTG accepts volunteers with diverse backgrounds and skill sets, those who specifically support our medical operations are generally selected from our pool of skilled medical applicants. Further, our preference is with those who have accepting volunteers with training experience so they can help instruct local aid workers. The goal of these programs is to empower the local community by training indigenous medical staff. Eventually, our hope is to open full time permanent teaching hospitals in locations like Port-au-Prince.